Associate Creative Director / Senior Copywriter / Content Specialist
Behind a few Campaigns
The Truth Fairy campaign is a social norming campaign with the objective of reducing impaired driving by enlightening student behavior and assumptions on the Western State College (a.k.a., "Wasted State"). To help, I created an unexpected and very approachable "expert" to address the widely held notions and misconceptions that WSU was a party school. This campaign was designed to inform and educate students, parents and the public of the actual- much lower - statistics we found through extensive pre-campaign, on campus interviews and questionnaires. The campaign deliverables included radio spots, numerous posters, pump toppers and online ads as well as a 'safe ride' van wrap, a web-site and a number of popular on-campus appearances by the Truth Fairy himself.
On the heels of the WSU campaign's overwhelming success, "The Truth Fairy" concept was adapted and introduced at the University of Northern Colorado; this with a female Truth Fairy named "Ruth."
The statewide Tobacco Free Colorado campaign was created for the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. The campaign was aimed at providing
resources, education and support to the general public about the dangers of tobacco use, second-hand smoke and the deceptive ways big tobacco markets its products - especially towards children. This campaign included infographics, posters, gas pump toppers, mobile and static billboards, print and online ads, bus tails, bus shelters and a website. Spanish and English versions were created for the majority of these pieces.
This fully integrated public service campaign was created for students at the Colorado State University, Pueblo campus. Similar to the efforts of the "Truth Fairy" campaign (created for Western State, above), this too was a social norming campaign designed to inform and educate students regarding prevalent attitudes and generalized misconceptions regarding campus-related drinking and drug use. This extensive campaign included a series of radio spots, print and online ads, posters, gas pump toppers, dorm hall banners, billboards, stickers, window clings and comprehensive website with statistical information and facts, as well as helpful links.
To address and curb the growing and dangerous issue of prescription drug abuse and misuse in the state of Colorado, I teamed up with a local PR firm to work with the governor's office and the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention to create a campaign to raise public awareness around safe Rx usage, storage and disposal. We developed a fully integrated ad campaign that included an extensive website (, print, digital and outdoor ads, online media (earned and paid) and social media. After just six month, the website had more than 57,000 visits with nearly 80,000 page views.